Trendway Corporation, Employees Come Together to Support Hurricane Survivors

Holland, Mich. . . .In keeping with their tradition of community service, Trendway is rallying to aid in the recovery from hurricane Harvey. “The first priority is to meet the needs of the people affected,” according to Mark Kinsler, Trendway President. “We have begun by collecting cash donations, which the company will match.” The company has also made a Trendway semi-truck available for delivery of relief supplies as needed.
Looking forward, the company is also putting a program in place to help affected businesses rebuild. “We have employees and dealers in Texas, and we’re well aware of the extent of the destruction,” notes Kinsler. “Many companies will have to completely rebuild, as quickly as possible.”
To facilitate this, Trendway is offering a program called “Building Back”. The package includes a broad selection of furnishing products at a special discount, made to order, that ship in just 3 days from receipt of order. Customers who take advantage of the program can look for delivery within a week.
“Right now we’re responding to Harvey, but unfortunately there is more hurricane activity predicted for other locations. We intend to extend this offer to any customers affected by such catastrophic weather events,” says Kinsler.